Innovative* Wearable Capnograph For All Patients
1.5 g sensor and integrated oxygen therapy support
Ideal for
- Home Care
- Emergency Care
- Procedural Sedation
* ) Pat. Pending

CO2 Sensor



”Being able to measure and monitor respiratory rate in a simple and technically reliable way with MARIE has the potential to save many patients’ lives. I see significant and important areas of application in healthcare for this medical product in the future.”

Anna Cedborg
Medical Doctor, PhD, Specialist in Anesthesiology & Intensive Care, Head of Clinic at Remeo, Stockholm, Sweden
”For the neurologically ill, MARIE would be useful for non-invasively investigating the need for BiPAP at home and the patient would then not need to visit the hospital to check the Arterial Blood Gas (ABG).
Also, one would probably get a much more representative value if registration can be done continuously during the night than just checking an ABG at 9 am the next morning.”

Johan Virhammar
Medical Doctor and Associate Professor of Neurology, Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
”Performing frequent ETCO2 spot checks on homecare COPD patients and continuously telemetry monitoring of patients in the ward using a wearable pulse oximetry and capnography solution would help recognize trending warnings signs early on and thus improving the outcome for the patients.”

Christian Karagiannidis
Medical Doctor and Professor, Critical Care & Emergency Medicine, Cologne, Germany

Joakim Östblom

Anders Eckerbom

Pia Sundström

Peter Karlsson

Martin Beckman
Mechanical Design
Board of Directors
Lennart Käll (Chair)
Over 30 years of experience as a CEO and board member across various industries. Currently focused on board work, advisory roles to CEOs and boards, and managing personal investments.
Mikael Lönn
Medical doctor with over 40 years of experience as a business leader and entrepreneur in healthcare. Founder of M&M Medical and active investor with board roles in companies such as Genovis AB and Annexin Pharmaceuticals.
Helén Hedebark
Board member specializing in strategic business development and growth. Experienced in scaling B2B startups, M&A, and sustainability. Currently manages a Family Office and is an active business angel.
Anders Eckerbom
Over 40 years of experience in capnography and global OEM customers. Founder and R&D Director of Artema Medical and Phasein Medical, both successfully acquired by larger companies.
Joakim Östblom
Over 20 years of experience in R&D, sales, and marketing within Life Sciences. Successfully contributed to several product development projects and company acquisitions.

Oxlantic Medical AB, Ulls väg 29 C
756 51 Uppsala, Sweden